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Bon Voyage, Gena

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:25 pm
by Porsche
This week we say goodbye to our long time receptionist Gena. She is moving on to another career, that she has been intending for many years. She wish her well on her new journey. She will be missed by many. Like sand through the are the Days of our Lives
HM Porsche Lynn

Re: Bon Voyage, Gena

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:32 am
by marstoy
HM Porsche Lynn,

Thank you for letting us know about Gena. I truly have mixed emotions about her leaving. It's always great to hear that someone is moving on to pursue new endeavors. But it's sad to lose someone who does such a great job. Gena always made me feel comfortable and at ease when I called to set up a session, as she was when I showed up at the Den. She had a knack for keeping me with my nervous anticipation while waiting for Mistress' arrival!

I'll miss her but hope her new career is rewarding and fun!